Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wed Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with James Merritt

In Matthew 18:15, Jesus tells us to do the following if someone has sinned against us:

"Tell him his fault between you and him alone."

There is a great principle here that is so repeatedly violated in our churches, in our homes, in our marriages, in our families, and in our friendships that causes so many other problems. The principle is this: Whenever conflict occurs, keep the circle of people involved as small as possible for as long as possible.

This tells us that the major reason you do this is not for condemnation, but restoration. When you just want to get revenge, when you just want to make things worse, what do you do? You talk to someone else about that person. You let other people know how bad this person has done you and the sin he has committed against you. What your really want to do is put the other person down while you put yourself up, "Look how bad he is to do me the way he did me."

When you go privately to that person then it is obvious you are not trying to win an argument, but your are trying to win a brother or sister. You are not going for condemnation, but for restoration.

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