Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thur Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

I read a story one time about a young navy officer who had made his first trip on a destroyer across the ocean. He had impeccable training, so he was given the assignment to take the destroyer out of the harbor and bring it back to the United States. Since it was his first major assignment he wanted to do it just right.

He was a very bright young officer and in a moment the deck was buzzing with action. He was barking commands here and there. Everything was moving like a Swiss clock. The destroyer made its way out of the harbor without one flaw – a very difficult maneuver.

They were on their way in record time when someone came to the young commander and said, “You have a message from the captain.” He thought it was strange, because it was a radio message, but he read it and this is what the captain said, “Commander, you have done an excellent job. You have done it with great speed and with dispatch. You have dotted your “i’s” and crossed your “t’s”. You have gone by the book, but there is an unwritten rule that you have overlooked, I must call to your attention. The next time you leave the harbor, make certain the captain is on board.”

That officer in his haste had left that harbor with the most important person of all missing – the captain of the ship! I don’t care how wise you think you are. I don’t care how great you think your plans are for your life. I don’t care how much you think you are capable of handling everything going on around you. You had better make sure the captain is on board. You had better make sure you are “up close and personal” with this God who not only made you, but wants to connect with you and keep you in His presence.

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