Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kegs of Ranch?

Hidden Valley Is Now Selling Kegs of Ranch Dressing



Be merry this holiday season—and get a keg filled with something that’s even better than beer.

Hidden Valley has outdone themselves, offering a 5-liter keg full of all the ranch dressing your heart could possibly conjure up.

Preloaded with what they consider “a year’s worth” of the creamy sauce, it’s the perfect gift for the person in your life who puts ranch on literally everything. The company thought through preserving its product, too—until the bitter end. On their site it says the keg is lined with a special FDA approved coating, keeping it tasting fresh until it’s gone.

The 9.7-inch tall tin will definitely elevate your party tricks—ranch dressing keg stands, anyone? And Hidden Valley notes that the kegs are “stackable”, in the event that you’d need more than one…

Each keg will cost $50 are currently available for pre-order, with shipping beginning on Dec. 11 — right in time for Christmas, New Years and the NFL Playoffs. Just add a 20-lb. bag of baby carrots.

And this isn’t the only product Hidden Valley released for the ranch-obsessed. Their full line of products include ornaments, fuzzy socks, cozy slippers, a Christmas sweater featuring a ranch bottle, and even a holiday ranch fountain with a tree skirt.

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The possibilities are endless— your ranch-eating habits will have no limit.

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