Sunday, November 12, 2017

God’s Guidance in the Scriptures

God’s Guidance in the Scriptures

By Touching Lives 
“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.” Psalm 19:8-9
Psalm 19 reminds us that we do not have to look far to find God. In the first six verses, we are reminded that God’s glory is on display in the world He created. Everywhere we look we can see His handiwork…the evidence of His existence and the display of His character. In verse seven, the Psalm shifts from God’s world to God’s Word. We look up at the skies and see the power of God; but when we look into the Scriptures we also see the person of God. We see God’s power in the skies, but we hear God’s voice in the Scripture.
God’s Word is right. In verse 8, the word “precepts” means literally to “order or direct.” It is like a road map that helps you to find the best and right way to a destination. God’s Word will show you all you need to see to walk the right path in your life. It is also called “radiant” in verse 8, because it will shine a light when you are in the dark to make sure you are on the right path, and to help you stay there. God does not intend for us to wander around in the darkness of life wondering what we are supposed to do, where we are supposed to go, and who we are supposed to be. In a dark world we have the flashlight of God’s truth to guide us, and to help us to guide others.
The truth of God’s Word is always relevant and reliable. It never changes. It tells you what is right…and what is right is always right. It is firm, according to verse 9. It is not going anywhere. God’s Word is a rock that can’t be broken, a sound that can’t be silenced, a fire that can’t be quenched, and a light that can’t be extinguished. The Word of God does not inform us, it transforms us into the image of Jesus.

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