Thursday, November 16, 2017

God’s Grace in the Savior

God’s Grace in the Savior

By Touching Lives 
“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
Jim Irwin was one of the astronauts who went to the moon. After he got back, he said this, “When I looked out and saw the earth, about as big as a little marble, I thought, ‘How big am I? I am just a speck of dust – if that big – compared to the universe.’ Yet, this little speck has the capacity to know God! To know the One who holds the universe, to know His love, and have His direction. For the first time, I saw – felt – God’s love for the earth…I realized then that God loved that little blue marble, that little blue planet. He loved all the billions of people on it, and He loved me! I realized at that moment that my relationship with Jesus Christ was the most precious thing I had.”
Can you believe that we can actually come into the presence of the God of the universe and be pleasing to Him, and accepted by Him, because of our Rock and our Redeemer? In Psalm 19:14, the psalmist writes about the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. He is the Rock of Ages. Jesus, by dying on the cross, became the Redeemer of the human race. God has spoken in many ways. He has spoken in the skies. He has spoken in the Scriptures. He has spoken in the soul. But He saved His best word for last when He spoke through Jesus. In Jesus, we discover all of God we can know and in Jesus we have all of God that we need. We see the glory of God in the skies, the guidance of God in the Scriptures, the goodness of God in the soul, but we see the grace of God in the Savior.
I agree with the early Church leader, Augustine, who was once confronted by a Pagan who showed him his idol and said, “Augustine, here is my god, where is yours?” Augustine replied, “I cannot show you my God, not because there is no God to show, but because you have no eyes to see Him.” Astronaut Jim Irwin was right. Whether you are on earth looking up at the moon, or on the moon looking back at the earth, God is here…He is everywhere; and you can find Him at a cross and an empty tomb where He is ready to meet you any time.

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