Saturday, April 30, 2016

Types of Identity Theft

MyIDCare Covers the 9 Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft takes many forms these days. The good news is that your MyIDCare plan has you covered for ALL 9 types – the only plan that does. We have personal Recovery Advocates who help you recover your identity in even the trickiest of cases. Get to know the different types of identity theft and the strategies Recovery Advocates use to successfully rescue your identity.

Financial Identity Theft

Financial identity theft is the most common form of identity fraud. When people hear the words “identity theft,” they often think of credit card fraud, when thieves use stolen credit cards or card numbers to purchase goods and services. If it’s not detected in time, credit card fraud can max out your accounts and affect your credit rating. There are also other, more potentially serious forms of financial identity theft. Thieves can use stolen bank account numbers, debit card numbers, or other personal and financial information to wipe out your accounts, take out loans, or get new credit cards.  MyIDCare’s Recovery Advocates have extensive experience working with with financial institutions and credit bureaus to make sure you’re not liable for fraudulent loans and charges made in your name.

Medical Identity Theft

When someone takes or uses your health insurance, they are committing medical identity theft. Thieves use the insurance themselves or sell it to someone who will pose as you to get healthcare services. Medical identity theft can be deadly because it can introduce false information into your medical file. It can also use up your medical benefits and leave you facing bills for medical treatment you didn’t receive. Recovery from medical identity theft is complicated because of healthcare privacy laws. MyIDCare Recovery Advocates know how to work with medical providers and healthcare insurance companies to repair your medical records, fight false insurance claimsand work with you so you won’t be liable to pay for medical bills that aren’t yours.

Child Identity Theft

A child’s or student’s identity is like pure gold to identity thieves. Children tend to have little or no financial history, and thieves assume that no one is checking a child’s credit report. Criminals can use a child’s Social Security Number to falsely claim dependent children or welfare payments from the government, and to create fake ID documents that they can use to apply for loans or even commit crimes. By the time the child is old enough to be financially independent, they may find their credit rating is ruined. MyIDCare Recovery Advocates have the expertise to handle cases involving individuals of any age, including children.

Social Security Identity Theft

Your social security number (SSN) is the key to your financial and personal identity. With your SSN, thieves can access your taxes and work history, bank accounts, credit cards, loans, government benefits such as Medicare and Medicaid, and sometimes your medical records. They can use your SSN to get a loan or a passport, file for your tax return, or claim your retirement benefits. Even if you’re careful with your Social Security card and financial documents, SSNs are one of the most valuable pieces of personal information stolen in data breaches. Our Recovery Advocates can work with government and other institutions on your behalf to undo damage caused by thieves.

Driver’s License Identity Theft

Criminals have many ways to use a stolen driver’s license or information from a driver’s license. They may alter the picture on a driver’s license and sell it to someone who fits the description on the license, or they may use the number to create a completely fake ID card. If the imposter is caught for a traffic violation, drunk driving or drug-related charge, the crime goes on your record. When the violator doesn’t show up in court, police will be looking for you. Driver’s licenses are also shown to cash checks, pass domestic airport security, get insurance, and to provide ID for many activities, so an imposter could commit all kinds of crimes that would be traced back to you. MyIDCare works with government agencies on your behalf to undo the damage done by driver’s license identity theft.

Criminal Identity Theft

Once a thief has your identity, they can commit crimesundercover by using your name. When victims call the police or the criminals are cited or arrested, law enforcement will be given your name, resulting in a warrant or a criminal record. You then may have problems with employment background checks, face legal action, or even be arrested. Criminal identity theft is uncommon but potentially serious. MyIDCare Recovery Advocates have a proven record of working with law enforcement to clear a victim’s name.

Employment Identity Theft

Employers are now required to see a Social Security card, passport, or other personal document to verify citizenship before hiring someone. Fake or stolen IDs are sometimes used to get a job by people who are not legal U.S. residents or who have a criminal history that would show up in a background check. You might find out about this kind of identity theft when you receive a W-2 from an employer you don’t know or a Social Security statement that doesn’t match your employment history. If the imposter commits crimes on the job, law enforcement could come looking for you. MyIDCare works with the Social Security Administration, other government bureaus, and employers to stop thieves and clear your identity and employment history.

Insurance Identity Theft

In addition to medical identity theft, thieves can use stolen identities to claim other kinds of insurance and benefits. For example, someone using a stolen identity could have an accident (or multiple accidents) and make auto insurance claims. Insurance identity fraud can result in higher premiums, denial of insurance, or legal action if the insurance company discovers the fraud and blames it on you. MyIDCare Recovery Advocates work with insurance payors and law enforcement to fix your insurance and clear you of criminal claims.

Synthetic Identity Theft

Thieves can use information from several different people to create a new identity, which they can then use to commit many types of fraud. The person whose phone number is used may end up getting calls from angry creditors, and the person whose address is used may get collections letters or even summons. The person whose Social Security Number or driver’s license number is used can face ruined credit or even criminal charges. MyIDCare Recovery Advocates can manage helping an individual recover from a full or partially stolen identity.

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