Monday, March 28, 2016

Daily Devotional

READ Matthew 10:26-28  / Isaiah 41:10 / 1 John 4:18 / Hebrews 13:5-6

"There are many sides to a thousand different political arguments related to these issues, but today I’d like to focus on the issue that I feel affects me and those closest to me the most.  So with that said here is what I’ve discovered over the last week and how it speaks to me.  I hope it is an encouragement to you and a conversation starter in your household as it has been in mine." - JRoy
I guess at this point you’ve begun to see that there is a subject matter fresh on my mind this week: Fear.  The why to this one should be obvious: Paris, Mali, terrorism, and faith… and where the heck should we stand in the middle of it all?  I’ve scoured the scriptures looking for a legit verse to say… WE SHOULD DROP NUCLEAR BOMBS ON THESE CRAZY PEOPLE… and unfortunately… I just haven’t found any.  Sure, I’ve read and even spoken before about the reality that God is a God of war… who says He will return with a sword… (Matthew 10:35) and I’ve read where the Psalmist Praises God from preparing his hands for battle (Psalm 144) At the same time I juxtapose those scriptures against the Be attitudes and I get confused. 
The entire 10th chapter of Matthew confirmed what my wife has told me over and over again… that Christians will ALWAYS be persecuted… but the hard truth is… I haven’t cared that much about persecution until it actually threatened my American way of life.  Christians have been persecuted for a LONG time.  Only now, for maybe the first time, we are beginning to feel the fear that surrounds the people of God abroad.  Yet, that leaves me with a great question: Now that I do feel a bit afraid…. when do I get the all clear to fight? 
I am a fighter by nature…. Show me an injustice and I want to wade into it with guns drawn.  Show me the downtrodden and I’m coming in swinging a heavy bat…  threaten me or my family, and GOD AS MY WITNESS I WILL ______________________ fill in that blank how you want… you’d be right no matter what you put there… even if it’s a bit obscene.  Just being honest.
I always tell my wife that it’s my responsibility to protect our family as the man of the house… and when I decided to go find the scripture that backs that claim up… I came up empty.  Maybe you guys can find it, but I couldn’t.  Which leaves me a little puzzled…
Still… for some reason, I haven’t found a specific scripture that points to our responsibility to FIGHT.  Which reminds me of KING HEZEKIAH in the book of Kings… and the desperation he must’ve felt as Judah was surrounded by a MASSIVE EVIL army of Assyrians 200,000 strong. (Check out 2 Kings 19:20-35)
King Hezekiah prays to God and the prophet Isaiah brings him and amazing message that God had heard his prayer and would protect him and his kingdom.  The coolest thing is that GOD himself sends an angel and wipes out 185,000 Assyrians and the victory is won without battle at all.  Interestingly enough, throughout scripture God’s people ALWAYS fail when they rush into a fight of their choosing, and ONLY win when God leads them into a battle of HIS choosing.
What am I saying? 
The two things that keep jumping off of the page as I read through the scriptures are this:

  • 1) DO NOT FEAR
Fear is the weapon that is wielded the most by the crazy people of the world… fear causes us to lose faith, to trust in ourselves and run headlong into physical battles we cannot win.  Fear causes us to act outside the calling that Christ has called us to.  Wherever you are, what ever you do… DO NOT BE AFRAID.
That doesn’t mean we should be STUPID.  If you decide you’re going to be unafraid of an 18 wheeler and then walk in front of one of them on the interstate you’re still going to end up dead right?
What should we BE???  Hmmm… Check out the Beattitudes in Matthew 5:3-10
Oh… yeah and one more thing… Be thankful for the United States of America and the blessing of the many troops who allow us to live in peace.  Without those warriors… this country would be a much different place, and the idea of living without fear would be far more difficult than it is today.
God you’ve commanded me to “fear not”.  You’ve told me who I am.  You’ve shown me what attitude I must live with.  Help me to be thankful, to be compassionate, and to know that You are still in control.  Let my hands not just reach up but OUT.  Let my voice not just speak words, but YOUR WORDS.  Let Your perfect love drive out all the fear that I feel so that I can be who you’ve asked me to be. Amen
Finally, let me remind you who you are:
You are LOVED, you are WORTHY, and you are ENOUGH.  The cross of Calvary proves it true.


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