Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

There is not one verse in the Bible that says righteous people won’t have trouble. Here is a promise you can count on – God will deliver you out of all of your trouble. It may not be the way you want to be delivered, but you will be delivered nonetheless. I am going to share something with you know that you aren’t going to like, but you are going to have to live with, believing in a sovereign God that is also good.

In all of scripture God never explains why He allows evil and suffering. He does explain how He uses it, but He never explains why He allows it. I’ve been asked a question many times, “Why did God allow that serpent in the Garden of Eden?” I have a great answer for that, “I don’t have a clue.” If that bothers you let me remind you of something that God said to Job. Since God created all of this and God created all of us He doesn’t owe an explanation to any of us for anything He does. God never has to defend Himself to anyone.

On the other hand, even though evil and suffering don’t always makes sense to us that doesn’t mean they don’t always make sense. In the grand scheme of things if God is sovereign and God has control, there can be no such thing as a “pure accident.” There really is no randomness in the universe. God makes sure that every event that takes place in your life and mine is a piece that will fit perfectly into the puzzle of His plan for you and for me.

There is another thing to keep in mind and that is our knowledge is imperfect and limited. God has unlimited and perfect knowledge. Because God knows everything and we don’t, we have to trust that God also, therefore, knows how to use evil in such a way that it comes out for our good and for His glory. Proverbs 16:4 states this categorically and dogmatically.

“The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.”

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