Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

There are many ways to present the gospel. One simple and easy to remember way to know and understand the gospel is summed up in these four sentences:

1. See that you are a sinner in God's eyes and separated from Him.

"For all have sinned; and fall short of God's glorious standard." Romans 3:23

Everyone one of us have disobeyed God, and that disobedience is called sin. The Bible also tells us that sin has a penalty, which is death. Not just physical death but spiritual death--being separated from God for all eternity. Sin is a problem for each and every one of us, and one that we cannot solve on our own.

2. Understand that Christ died for you sins and, as God, came back from the dead.

"It is this Good News that saves you if you firmly believe it--that Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, as the Scriptures said." 1 Corinthians 15:2-4

On the cross, with His death, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. And because Jesus rose from the lead, he also made it possible for us to experience eternal life with Him in heaven.

3. Receive God's total forgiveness for your sins by trusting Christ as your Savior.

"Now God says He will accept us and acquit us--declare us not guilty-if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins... we can be saved by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like.'" Romans 3:22

When we surrender our lives to Christ, we receive His sacrifice for our sins. He pays our sin penalty and saves us from the consequence of sin. No matter what our past or present is like, Jesus transforms us as we begin to live our lives for Him.

4. Express your desire for Christ to be the Lord of your life.

"If you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved from the punishment of sin." Romans 10:9 NLV

How do we come to know Christ and surrender to Him? We simply ask Him. The Bible says if we commit ourselves to Christ, He saves us from our sins, and we become followers of Jesus with our lives. The decision to follow Jesus is simple, but it is not easy. The Bible does not promise we will not have challenges or troubles in our lives, but it does promise that Jesus will be with us, and that our final destination will be with Him in heaven, forever.

You can share this simple gospel message with your family, friends, co-workers and others. Take time to learn a simple way to share the gospel. The Bible tells us to always be ready to share our faith with others. This week, ask God to open up an opportunity for you to share Christ with someone you know.

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