Monday, December 31, 2018

Today's Encouragement

When God Wrote His Answer in the Sky 


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

I was going through a “dry spell” in my faith, just going through the motions. I knew I needed a revival inside my soul but wasn't sure what to do differently. And I didn't expect it would happen at a professional conference.

The conference was for Christian financial advisors, and Proverbs 31 Ministries’ President Lysa TerKeurst was a keynote speaker. More than 1,200 Christian top financial advisors attended this conference. It was a little intimidating for me to even be there.

Lysa shared passionately about our Proverbs 31 Ministries vision and mission and delivered a powerful message on the spiritual progression of needing, trusting and wanting God above all else. It was holy ground and an encouragement for all of us in attendance.

After her message, I went to my hotel room totally convicted. Falling to my knees, I asked for forgiveness that I had not trusted God with everything or at times, even wanted Him above all else in my life. As a single girl desiring a husband and family, sometimes that desire is overwhelming.

I confessed to God that He is all that I need. All that I trust. All that I want. And at that moment, an overwhelming peace and contentment came. A revival in my heart was re-ignited. My faith dry spell was over.

When it was time to leave the conference hotel and head to the Orlando airport, a gentleman from a cab company picked me up. I thought I'd have time to reflect quietly on the 45-minute drive to the airport, but he seemed talkative.

Oh great, I thought. I didn't want to chat. I just wanted to marinate on all that I had learned and experienced.

As I tried to listen to his conversation, questions flooded from within me — not for the driver, but for God:

“God, why did You choose a women's ministry like Proverbs 31 Ministries for such a huge assignment to eradicate biblical poverty?”

“Why us?”

“Why me?”

“Please give me a sign that I am right in the middle of Your will. I need You. I trust You. I want You.”

And then it happened. At that moment, I looked out of my window. Written in the sky just as clearly as could be, was the word “Trust.”

Shocked, I asked the driver, “Why do you think that word is written in the sky?”

The driver replied, “Oh, he’s not finished. Each day the skywriter writes a message. It’s different every day.”

The skywriter started the next word. “J.”

We were getting close to the airport.

“E” was formed. Then an “S.” My heart skipped a beat. No way.

Then the rest of the word. The Name. Absolute shock. Tears formed. I was speechless.

The driver must have sensed my emotion. He said, “Today’s message is just for you.”

Teary-eyed I said, “Yes, He knows what we need just when we need it.”

I knew it was a confirmation of my decision and an answer to my question.

Our key verse is a powerful affirmation for us to trust our Lord Jesus even when we don’t have all the answers. He wants us to step out in faith. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Friend, if you have a “dry spell” in your faith, like I sometimes do, please be encouraged that God is with you. He will reveal Himself to you when you need it most. He is the ultimate Skywriter over our hearts and lives.

Thank you for trusting Jesus and Proverbs 31 Ministries by reading these devotionals. If your faith has been impacted by our resources, we would love to partner with you to accomplish our God-sized mission with your best gift today.

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