Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Today's Encouragement

Love for the Lonely Girl 

Amelia Rhodes

“She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’” Genesis 16:13 (NIV)

I scanned the crowd of middle-school kids for my daughter. She’d spent the past few days serving with a nearby church and had been nervous about going by herself. She knew a few of the kids on the trip, but not many. We’d talked through how exciting it would be to make new friends all while helping families and organizations in our city.

As I made my way through piles of sleeping bags and suitcases, I saw her standing off to the side alone. She saw me, grinned and quickly grabbed her bags. On the short drive home she chattered about all the places they’d been and how she’d loved packing and preparing toiletry bags for the homeless. As we pulled into our driveway though, she hesitated, and her voice choked.

“Mom, I tried to put myself out there and make new friends. But sometimes it’s like no one notices me. It’s like I’m not even there.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. I parked the car and reached over to hug her and share in her tears.

I leaned back and looked her in the eyes, my hands still on her shoulders. “No matter what happens out there, I see you, sweetie. I notice you. I love you. And even when I get this wrong — and I will — your Heavenly Father sees you, hears you and loves you. Always.”

She swiped at the tears and nodded. How I prayed this truth would sink deep into her 13-year-old soul and carry into her adulthood. Because, even though I should know better, I’ve stood in the depths of loneliness too many times — believing the lie that no one sees, hears or cares about me.

I’ve hung around the edge of a group of women at my kids’ school bus stop when no one acknowledged my presence.

I’ve slid into the back of an event and scanned the room looking for a friend, any friend. I’ve scrolled through social media pictures of holiday events I wasn’t invited to.

I can be so digitally connected, but lonelier than ever. And oh, how the enemy loves to keep us feeling isolated and alone!

But lately when I feel lonely, I’ve learned to cling to the name a lonesome, rejected woman gave the Lord in the Bible. While pregnant and running away from home, Hagar had a personal encounter with the Lord. God told her that He saw her and had a plan for her unborn son. After urging her to go back home, as rejected and alone as she felt, she gave Him this name: “‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me’” (Genesis 16:13b).

The God who sees me. The God who sees my daughter. The God who sees you. And the God who sees every woman sitting alone in a crowd, crying in the bathroom, wondering if anyone cares. He’s the God who sees and loves us so much.

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