Sunday, December 16, 2018

Stop the Rush

Learning to Be Still and Stop the Rush

Learning to Be Still and Stop the Rush
By Debbie McDaniel
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
He got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, then said, "Mom, how many minutes till I have to leave for school?"

"10 minutes," I yelled out as I busily worked packing lunches and backpacks.
I saw him get out some paper and markers. My sweet 7 year-old son worked diligently on a project up until the time that I was rushing him out the door.
"Hurry up Noah, it's time to go!" We said our goodbyes, 3 kids hustling, bustling out the door.
It closed.
Minutes later I came back to clean the kitchen table. And found this.
Tears came.
Such truth...such love...straight from the heart of a child to his God.
Maybe that's why Christ reminds us to be more like them, precious children, Matthew 18:3.
Simplicity of truth shining through so profoundly.
May He help us, as adults, to keep the perspective they often seem to have. And to slow down. Stop rushing everywhere, and everyone, and everything.
And just listen close for His voice.
So many things and people will call our names every day. We’re needed. We’re pressed. But without simply learning to be still first, within His presence, we’re never re-fueled. Or refreshed. We get drained and irritated. We lose our focus and our awareness of His Presence in our lives is dulled.
In the midst of busyness and hectic, full days, I'm reminded again to stop for a few minutes, focus on the most important, and ask God to make my heart more like His. May He fill us with such a spirit of praise and gratefulness, that all we do would bring honor to Him.
Intersecting Faith & Life: Choose to give God all that concerns you today, your worries, your full day, your to-list list, and your cares. Spend some time just being “still” before Him. Give Him thanks and praise for who He is. It is time never wasted. He will bring you refreshing and peace from His Spirit, that only He can give.

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