Monday, December 17, 2018

Mon Devotional


By Touching Lives 
“We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”  2 Corinthians 3:18
Moses had the incredible privilege of speaking with the LORD face to face on Mount Sinai.  In those days, God spoke through priests and prophets…but Moses was an exception.  God called him into His presence and spoke with him as a friend.  Whenever Moses would meet with the LORD, his face would shine with the LORD’s glory when he emerged from the tent.  This frightened the Israelites, so Moses would put a veil over his face until the glory faded.

In Christ, God’s presence is not only with us, but is also in us through His Spirit.  Moses’ face was temporarily changed from the outside; but now we are being changed from the inside out.  The word that the Apostle Paul used was transform.  The root word is the same as the word metamorphosis.  Just as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, as Christ followers we are being transformed into something altogether different.  The butterfly isn’t merely a better version of a caterpillar…it’s a completely different creature.
Pastor and author David Platt said this, “Jesus has no desire to improve you.  He desires to transform you.”  God doesn’t want to give us a list of character traits…He wants to give us His Son.  The result will be transformation into His image.  God is love, so if He lives through us, we will become more loving.  God is kind, so we will become more kind.  God is giving, so we will become more giving.  God is patient so we will become more patient.  But we cannot behave our way to Christ-likeness.
Transformation isn’t something that we can achieve.  It is something that must be done for us.  Our part is to remain firmly rooted in Christ.  Just as the caterpillar remains in its pupa, allowing the metamorphosis to occur, if we rest in Christ He will change us by His Spirit.  Transformation is a lifelong process.  The longer we abide in Christ, the more we will reflect His glory to the world.
Father, It is hard sometimes to see that You are transforming me into the image of Jesus.  Please help me not to become frustrated, discouraged, or self-reliant during the process.  I want others to see Your glory through me.  Thank You for Your Spirit.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

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