Friday, July 28, 2017

Fri Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

Some of you reading this right now are in a dark place. What do you do when you are in a dark place? Let me ask you this question, “If you wanted to get rid of darkness in a room, how would you do it?” Would you curse the darkness? Would you sit down on a couch and feel sorry that you are in the darkness? Would you take a broom and try to sweep the darkness out of it? Would you try to shovel or vacuum the darkness out? There is no way, except one, to get rid of the darkness. You have to turn on the light. The only thing that darkness can’t stand is light.

One of the things in life that we take for granted is just how important light really is. Everything that we see is a result of light. Light is essential to life. We literally could not live without it. Plant life is essential to the existence of mankind. The entire human species as well as all animal life are dependent on plants for survival. Plants through a process known as photosynthesis, produced by light provides directly or in-directly all the essential amino acids and most of the vitamins necessary for health. Plants also produce the oxygen that we need to breath. The one thing plants must have to grow is light.

What is true in the physical world is true in the spiritual world. Physical life is impossible without physical light and meaningful life is impossible without spiritual light. If you are in a dark place in your life right now you need light. You need the kind of light that can dispel any kind of darkness you are in be it emotional, relational, or personal. Today, we are going to learn that Jesus is the One and only light that you need.

Last week we learned that Jesus is the bread that can satisfy our deepest hungers. People hunger for three basic things: security, significance and satisfaction. They want to know they are safe. They want to know they matter and they want to find peace and fulfillment in life. Jesus boldly said,

I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)

We learned last week that the world will try, but only Jesus can satisfy.

When you are in a dark place in your life, you don’t need to eat and you don’t need to drink. You need to see! You don’t need bread and you don’t need water. You need light! When you are in a dark place and you can’t see your way through, can’t find your way out, Jesus flips the switch and lights the torch with these words,

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Jesus didn’t say He is “one” light among many. He is not “a” light. He is “the” light. He didn’t say He is a light just for some. He said He is the light of the world. He is the light for everybody. Key Take Away: When life is at its darkest Jesus is at His brightest.

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