Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt
"They were just trying to intimidate us, imaging that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination." Nehemiah 6:9
Have you ever felt distracted, intimidated or discouraged? Maybe you have felt intimidated by your boss at work lately; or perhaps you have been discouraged as a stay-at-home mom with thoughts like, "I'm I really making a difference by cleaning the house and feeding the kids?" Everyone feels discouraged or intimidated at times; it's part of being human. But today I want us to look at Nehemiah's example of how to stay the course when we face the obstacles and oppositions of life.
Nehemiah was a cupbearer in the king's palace who had destroyed Jerusalem and taken Israel into captivity. Nehemiah was also a man of God and at the appointed time, God burdened his heart for the people of Jerusalem, specifically with the task to rebuild the broken walls of the city. The Book of Nehemiah is the journal that he kept detailing how God, in His faithfulness, enabled him to finish the task he set out to do.
Now I know you are sitting there thinking, “What does a wall-builder have to do with me?” Well I bet some of you are facing the task of rebuilding "walls" without realizing it. Some of you might be trying to rebuild the walls of your marriage. Others might be trying to rebuild the walls of your finances. I'll let you in on a secret; the same God that enabled Nehemiah to finish rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem will enable you to rebuild the walls of your life. The key is to stay focused!
If there is one thing that Nehemiah faced relentlessly, it was opposition. But he didn't allow it to distract him. Read the Scripture above again. It says that Nehemiah continued with even greater determination. In order to achieve what you set out to accomplish, you have to learn to dismiss distractions. Tune out the lies of evil people who tell you to give up and tune into God's Word that encourages you to keep going! Every work that God calls you to is great work in His eyes. Stay the course my friend, and don't give up.
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