Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sat Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

I am convinced that the vast majority of people go through life and may never find the door either to security, significance or satisfaction. Years ago, UCLA psychologist, James Coleman wrote these words:

“As the modern day person struggles with the baffling question of his own existence…science falls short of providing full answers…it can tell how, but not why.”

He then made this observation.

“With the advent of the space age, man is confronted with a new prospective of time and space and the problem of finding the meaning of his existence in the universe in which the earth and even the solar system may be no larger in relation to the whole than an atom is to the earth. At the same time, materialistic values – based on the belief that scientific progress will automatically lead to man’s happiness and fulfillment - just proves sadly disillusioning. As a result, many people are groping about, bewildered and bitter, unable to find any enduring faith or to develop a satisfying philosophy of life. [In other words – security, significance and satisfaction] Despite their fine automobiles, well-stocked refrigerators, and other material possessions and comforts, the meaning of life seems to be evading them. In essence, they are suffering from existential anxiety – deep concern about finding values which enable them to live satisfying, fulfilling, meaningful, and [significant] lives”.

In other words, Dr. Coleman said people go through life trying to find the doors of security, significance, and satisfaction, but never do. Be honest with yourself. Are you secure? Do you really feel secure? Secure in who you are, secure in what you have, secure in where you are going? Do you feel significant? Do you think you are giving your life to things that really matter and make a difference? Do you think you have found your real purpose on this planet? Are you content? Are you satisfied? Is there a settled-peace in your heart when you go to bed and when you get up in the morning that you are who you need to be? Where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing?

If you are one of the many who would be honest enough and transparent enough to say, “No.” There are four words Jesus said that you need to hear today,

“I am the door.” (John 10:9)

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