Friday, March 31, 2017

Fri Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt
Almost every time the word "church" is used in the Bible, it refers to a local, visible, single, congregation that meets in a certain location. The New Testament always assumes membership in a local church. The Christian who is not a member of a church is compared in the Bible to an organ without a body, a sheep without a flock and a child without a family. Ephesians 2:19 says,
"You belong in God's household with every other Christian." (Ephesians 2:19, LB)
In other words, every believer ought to be “all in” with every other believer and for every other believer. Why? Because not only does the church need us but we need the church as the author of Hebrews points out.
"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another." (Hebrews 10:24-25)
There are some great benefits to being all in to a church. The author of Hebrews lists two: one we stimulate each other to loving others and doing for others and we encourage others just by showing up. I have found at least three more benefits.
First of all, there are physical benefits. According to a study from Indiana's Purdue University published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, people who joined a church, attend regularly, and get involved in the church, get sick much less often than those who don't. In fact, it was found that non-church members who never attended church or participated in a church were more than twice as likely to report health problems as those who were members.
God knew what He was doing when He said, "Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together." Not long ago, came across this article. I don’t know how scientific it is, but it makes sense to me.
· Do not ride in automobiles - they cause 20% of all fatal accidents.
· Do not stay home - 17% of all accidents occur in the home.
· Do not walk on the streets or on the sidewalks - 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians.
· Do not travel by air, rail or water - 16% of all accidents happen only by these three types of transportation.
· Only .001% of all deaths reported occur in the worship services of a church and these are related to previous physical disorders.
· Therefore the safest place for you to be at any time is in church. Come to church. It could save your life!
There are also emotional benefits to joining a church and getting actively involved. You will not only be healthier. You will be happier. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company studied people who had joined a church, were actively involved, prayed, read their Bibles and had surrendered their lives to Christ. When they compared those people to the people in America who did not attend church or were not religious, they discovered:
1. Church attenders are twice as likely to say their home life is happy.
2. Church attendersare almost twice as likely to believe that their work contributes to society.
3. Church attenders are more than twice as likely to reconcile marital problems rather than divorce.
4. Church attenders are six times more likely to do community volunteer work.
No wonder we are told that being all in with your church is encouraging.
Most importantly there are the spiritual benefits that come from being a member of the church. Let me just give them to you quickly.
Identity. - Just as a uniform identifies you as a solider, and a badge identifies you as an officer, church membership identifies you as a believer.
Maturity. - We grow best as we grow together and the church provides you a place where you can mature your faith and grow it.
Ministry. - The church gives you a place to discover your spiritual gifts and an avenue to put them to work.
Authority. - Every church member needs to be under the spiritual authority of a church pastor.
Accountability. - The church, especially friends in the church and a small group you are a part of, can help you be accountable and help encourage you in your daily walk with God.

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