Monday, March 6, 2017

Mon Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

Jesus said in the last part of this great statement that those who come to Him as the light of the world will no longer walk in darkness, but they will “have the light of life.” If I have a light and you don’t, you won’t have it until I share it with you.

Even if you shine a light, even if you show a light, if you keep the light to yourself and refuse to share it then others will remain in dark places. To put it simply, it is criminal to be in a world full of darkness and keep the only light that there is to yourself.

I read something about light that really got my attention. When a light wave hits an object three things can happen:

· The waves can be absorbed by the object it hits.

· The waves can be transmitted through the object with little or distorted effect.

· The waves can be reflected off of the object so that others can see it clearly.

You can shine a light, for example, on a wall, but the wall will absorb the light and someone on the other side of the wall can’t see it. You can shine a light through a heavily stained or even a smoked glass and though some light will come through it will be distorted and not bright enough to follow. But, when light shines off of a mirror or off of glass or something white it is reflected so that others can see it. Too many of us leave this building every day and either absorb the light (we just don’t share it with anybody and keep it to ourselves) or we transmit the light in such a way that it is distorted (we don’t live what we say we believe or don’t walk consistently with the Christ that we say we know) so nobody pays attention to our light. God is going to hold all of us accountable as to whether or not we reflect His light.

Think about this. Light is only important if it is taken to the darkness. The place to shine your light and show your light and share your light is not inside the church, but outside the church. Do you know why we ought to come to church? To re-energize our light. God didn’t call us to be a light in the light, but a light in the dark. If you are living in darkness you need to get to the light. If you are living in light you need to get to the darkness.

Our primary job is to find people in dark places, to go to people who never darken the door of our church. We need to lovingly let them know they are living in darkness, but they don’t have to stay in the darkness and there is a way out of the darkness. It is not hard. It is just turning on the light.

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