Saturday, March 4, 2017

Affirming His Promise

Affirming His Promise

By Touching Lives 
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
There is perhaps no greater promise in the Bible than Romans 8:28. The same God that kept His promise to Noah and Abraham and Joseph will keep His promise to us. The same God that was controlling every part of Joseph’s life is controlling ours. He can be trusted even in darkest of times.
The fact is, life is hard. We are going to be treated unfairly. We are going to experience injustice. We are going to be done wrong even when we do what is right. The short end of the stick is in our future…but the presence of problems never means the absence of God. When people are doing their worst to you; God is doing His best for you. When people are doing you wrong; God is making it right.
Do you understand the implications of this truth? Nothing happens to you by chance. Nothing happens because of bad luck or random chance. God is in control. And because He is sovereign over all things, you are never a victim of your circumstances. Because of the plan of God, the providence of God, and the promise of God, every circumstance and experience of your life fits into God’s plan for you, the world, and the universe.
God controls everything and everyone. He not only controls the orbit of the planets and the movement of the galaxies, but the clock and the moments of life. He controls your friends. He controls your family. And He controls your foes. It is one thing to take what is good and make it better. It is another thing to take what is better and make it best. But, God takes what is bad and makes it good. No matter how much you think it looks like your life is out of control, remember, God is in control.

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