Thursday, March 2, 2017

Achieving His Plan

Achieving His Plan

By Touching Lives 
“So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God…” Genesis 45:8
Can you imagine being sold by your own siblings into slavery? That is exactly what happened to Joseph. Years later, however, Joseph saw how God’s plan for his life had unfolded. He understood that while yes, his brothers had sold him, but it was God who had sent him. Two little words changed his story. “But, God…”
His brothers’ plan was to eliminate Joseph; but God’s plan was to elevate him. Their plan was to lower Joseph into a pit; but God’s plan was to lift him onto a throne. Their plan was to desert Joseph; but God’s plan was to deliver him. Their plan was to sell Joseph out; but God’s plan was to pick him up. Joseph’s faith in God never waivered; and that is why he was able to say to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Genesis 50:20).
I don’t know what you have been through in your life, or what you may be going through now. I don’t know how unfairly you are being treated, how unjust your circumstances may be, or what kind of bad hand you have been dealt. But here is what I do know…God is saying to you right now, “Everything is going according to My plan.”
Every time Joseph thought his life was over, God was just getting started. When God seems far away in your life, He is right next door. When you can’t see God, He is moving. When you can’t hear God, He is speaking. Listen to His words found in Deuteronomy 31:8, “The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” God is not only with you, but He has gone before you, preparing the way for His will to be done in ALL circumstances.
The Bible never says that what happened to Joseph was good. His kidnapping and enslavement were not good. What you are going through right now may not be good, but God promises that whatever happens to you, even if others mean it for evil, God will take it and turn it into good. That is God’s plan for your life.
With God, everything is in the script. He is never surprised or caught off guard. There are going to be valleys and deserts. Bad things are going to happen. But in the end it will all be for your good and God’s glory.
Application: Do you trust God and His plan for you, even when bad things happen?

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