Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thurs Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

"Seek first the kingdom of God." (Matthew 6:33)

Think about this. You can’t seek the kingdom of God until you know the God of the kingdom. You can’t know what God wants for you until you know the God that wants you.

Let me put it this way. In order to seek the kingdom you have to first seek the king. You won’t even know where the kingdom is or what the kingdom is all about or why the kingdom even matters until you know the King.

The vast majority of people that I meet, I talk to, and I that I know deep down live frustrated lives. They are frustrated because they either haven’t gotten where they have always wanted to go or they haven’t gotten what they’ve always wanted to have or what is even worse is when they got what they wanted they didn’t want what they got. Until the economic bubble burst we were a country that kept buying bigger houses, newer cars, always having the latest this or the latest that and it is even the reason why people move from one marriage to the next. This may sound overly simplistic, but if what Jesus said is true, the problem is you are not rightly related to the King or His kingdom.

Let me make it simple. Too many people spend their life looking for the keys to the kingdom. How can I get this? How can I buy that? How can I go there? When the truth is instead of seeking the keys to the kingdom you ought to start seeking the King of the kingdom, because He is the one that holds the keys!

The word “first” literally means “first in a line of many options.” There are all kinds of things you can put first in your life. There are a lot of choices, decisions, and priorities out there for the taking. If you want all of your priorities to be the right priorities then you had better get the first priority straight and that is you had better live with the King of the kingdom. You need to make your number one priority, knowing Him, loving Him, serving Him, obeying Him and trusting Him. As you will see in a moment, Jesus said it has a domino effect. Get the first domino right then every other one will fall into place. How do you know that you know the King? How do you know you are living with the King on a daily basis?

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