Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

One of the things I can do for Teresa is make her a cup of hot tea. I really enjoy doing it, because it is one of the few things I know how to do with my hands! If you have ever made tea you know what I am about to say. When you put a teabag in a cup of hot water the longer that tea bag remains or abides in that water the more that water will take on the color and the taste of that tea. If you want the tea to be stronger you just leave the bag in longer. That is what happens to us every day when we abide in Christ, just remain in Christ, we begin to take on the color of His character and the flavor of His life.

Here is your assignment beginning today. You abide in Christ by simply taking the tea bag of your life and soak it in the hot water of His Word. Let Him talk to you as you study the Bible. Spend time with Him talking with Him in prayer. You just stop, look and listen. Stop and take time out of your daily routine and look into His Word and then you listen to what He says to you. The more you maximize your connection to Christ the more He will multiply His fruit through you.

The branch does not produce fruit for the vine, but the branch bears the fruit produced by the vine. The mark of every true follower of Jesus Christ is fruit. There is no such thing in the teachings of Jesus as a non-fruit bearing believer. The Christian life is a fruit bearing life.

Do you know why this is so important to understand? If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ and the reason is you said to yourself, “I can’t live a Christian life. It is too hard.” You are half right. You can’t live a Christian life. Not because it is too hard, but because it is impossible. Only one person has ever lived the Christian life and that is Jesus.

Jesus gave His life for us so that He could live His life through us. When you are connected to the root you will bear fruit that will never rot, but will only wipen into a life worth living, because you have the right connection.

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