Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wed Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Touching Lives with Dr. James Merritt:

“But I call out to God, and the Lord will save me.” Psalm 55:16

Rarely can an enemy deeply hurt us. Sure, they can inflict pain and insult us, but we usually have our guard up with an enemy. The deepest wounds come not from enemies, but from friends and family. We have opened the doors of our hearts to them, letting our guard down and exposing our most vulnerable places. They have the ammunition to really hurt us – and we are the ones who have given it to them. The spouse who leaves for someone else. The friend who walks away when you need him most. The parent who abandons. These are the deepest cuts.

In Psalm 55, King David shows us that he knew the betrayal of a friend. David had many enemies…but the worst ones were his closest friends (Psalm 55:12-13). Have you ever been betrayed by someone you deeply loved and trusted? If so, let the “but” in Psalm 55:16 bring hope and healing to your heart.

When someone we love wounds us, we can always take refuge in the friendship of God. God remains faithful, strong, and true…even if everyone else fails us. He is steadfast in His love for us; and His love is bigger than any betrayal, rejection, or hurt we could ever suffer. Running to Him frees us from vengeance…from the need to be vindicated here and now.

Instead of going after his betrayer, King David chased hard after God. He trusted in the only Righteous Judge to bring justice. We can do the same. When we choose to trust God with our deepest hurt, we can resist the temptation to get even by taking matters into our own hands. We can rest in Him, knowing that He is the only one worthy to judge and execute justice on our behalf.

Dear God, Please forgive me for the times that I try to execute my own version of justice and judgment when I am wronged. Help me to trust You when I am deeply hurt. Help me to forgive instead of retaliate. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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