Saturday, August 25, 2018

Giant Combat Walker

Russia Unveils Giant Combat Walker

But is it anything more than a stunt?

By Kyle Mizokami

It’s finally happened: One of the world’s major military powers finally rolled out a giant fighting mech. Russian defense contractor Kalashnikov introduced a 13 foot tall bipedal fighting vehicle it says is suitable for engineering duties or “combat solutions.” But while combat walkers are a staple of science fiction, are they really all that practical?

Looking like a giant egg on legs, Kalashnikov's “controlled bipedal walker” was introduced at this week’s Army-2018 defense expo near Moscow. Kalashnikov says the “development of technologies” behind the walker will be demonstrated next year.

The Kalashnikov combat walker.

The walker features a cockpit for a human pilot, a pair of arms ending in pinchers, and enormous metal legs ending in ski-like feet. It has no obvious signs of weapons nor does it appear to be anything more than a nonworking mockup. Important details such as power plant, carrying capacity, and armor are all left unexplained.

Combat walkers, or just 'mechs,' have been a part of science fiction for decades. The most famous examples are the AT-ST scout walker from Star Wars, the Amplified Mobility Platform from Avatar, and the L5 Riesig from the game Battlefield 2142. Non-combat versions include the the Caterpillar P-5000 Powered Work Loader from Aliens.

The walker has a pair of claw arms for holding things.

Why haven’t we had combat walkers before? One reason is that, unlike a tank or wheeled armored vehicle, a walker must balance its entire chassis on just two large legs. That creates a high ground pressure problem, making for a vehicle that could have trouble traversing muddy terrain. The legs must also be mated to a complex balancing system to prevent a walker from falling over. Walkers are also tall and make excellent targets.

There are a few obvious advantages to combat walkers, though. A mech operator sits high, giving excellent visibility. A mech with adequate balance could also step over obstacles, such as junked cars on roads. A bipedal combat machine is also an intimidating presence on the battlefield. Other than that, there aren’t many reasons for a defense contractor to invest the time and effort in mechs.

Kalashnikov seems to be aware of at least some of the problems inherent in walkers. Their walker’s long, ski-like feet are clearly designed to lower the ground pressure. We’ll know more when they explain exactly what it is they’re up to in 2019. Could this be the year that combat walkers move from sci-fi trope to reality? Never say never.

Source: RT

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