Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

By Touching Lives 
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:38

The world is filled with prejudice. Our culture is filled with prejudice. Therefore, it is impossible not to admit that, to some level, our hearts are filled with prejudice. Prejudice is an opinion that we hold that is not based on fact, or reason, or actual experience. It’s the bias that we hold regarding people, most of whom we don’t even know. It permeates our thoughts, and affects our relationships, families, businesses, and churches.
It would be foolish not to admit that we are all, to some degree, prejudiced in our lives. No matter how balanced one tries to live there are always areas of our past, family, lifestyle, education, or politics that can sway our opinions of others in an unhealthy way. And those opinions are what lead to actions that are equally prejudiced. This is why the Bible reminds us in Galatians that our position in Christ is the same, for all believers, everywhere. No person is better than another or worse than another in the eyes of our Savior.
The removal of unhealthy and damaging prejudice begins simply by viewing our lives and relationships through a different lens. We must be willing to take off our mind’s lens and look instead through the lens of Christ. What does Christ think of that person, that situation, that cultural viewpoint? Jesus did call out sin when He saw it, but He also dined with sinners, and tax collectors, and healed the unclean and the possessed. The fact is that Jesus was welcoming and loving to people that many of us would never associate with in His time or in today’s time. If we take the time to view our world though His lens, we will have taken our first, best step to ensure prejudice is not a layer of bias in our own lives.

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