Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thur Devotional

Daily Devotion 

from Touching Lives with Dr. James Merritt:

“Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’”
Luke 7:50

Jesus’ words to the woman who worshiped at His feet in Luke 7 makes clear the basis for her forgiveness. He said, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” There can be no doubt…it wasn’t the woman’s extravagant worship that saved her. That would be works. It can never be works. Forgiveness is the gift of God, granted to those who have faith.

Though He did not come out and tell us, I believe the answer is strongly implied. The woman believed that if she came to Jesus as a repentant sinner, she would not be turned away. Why else would she have risked everything to enter the house where Jesus dined with men she knew would never approve of her? Where did that kind of courage come from for a woman like her? She didn’t just pull Jesus aside and confess her sins. She made a spectacle of herself…crying, breaking perfume open, and washing His feet with her hair. What confidence she had in Jesus!

The truth that Jesus associated with sinners was the very reason so many Pharisees questioned Him – but this was good news to this woman. She knew the depth of her sin. She probably rejoiced at the reports that Jesus received sinners. She came to Him as a sinner, believing that He would not send her away, as the Pharisees encouraged Him to do. And she was right. Only one guest left that dinner forgiven; and it wasn’t the self-righteous religious leaders. It was the repentant, faith-filled prostitute.

Jesus came to seek and save sinners. Those who thought they were righteous went away unforgiven. It is true that Jesus is the sinless Son of God. Yes, He hates sin and will judge sinners who refuse to repent. But He came not to condemn, but to save. What did He say to the woman caught in adultery in John 8:11? “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

If you have never come to Christ in faith, come now. He will receive you and forgive you.

God, Thank You for receiving sinners just like me. Help me to spread the truth to others that salvation is by Your grace, through faith and not works. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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