Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Beneficial Obedience

Beneficial Obedience

By Touching Lives 
“Whoever has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love them and show Myself to them.” John 14:21

There are so many people who believe in Jesus, and they love Jesus – at least to some extent. However, if you were to ask them, “Is Jesus real to you on a moment by moment basis? Is He the most important relationship in your life? Does He dominate your heart and mind?” If they were honest – with themselves and with you – they would answer, “No.” Do you know why there are so many who would have to answer this way? It is because our experience of Jesus is proportional to our obedience to Jesus.
John 14:21 clearly teaches that there is a benefit to obedience. Christ promises to show Himself in a deeper way to those who obey Him. We experience who God is to us when we respond to what God says to us. Reading the Bible gives us information about God. Anyone can read the Bible and learn more facts about God and what He has done. But obeying the Bible goes beyond information – it brings transformation.
Transformation is being changed from the inside out. And when we come face to face with Christ, it is impossible to walk away the same. This is the benefit of obedience promised in John 14:21…not earthly riches or blessings…not an easy, problem-free life…but the promise of a deeper revelation of Christ. What could be better?
Are you reaping the benefit of obedience to God’s Word? His commands are always for our good; and the greatest blessing of all is that through obedience, we experience more of Jesus. What better benefit could the Father give?

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