Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You are Deeply Loved

You are Deeply Loved by an Amazing God

A Reminder for Your Day: You Are Deeply Loved by an Amazing God
By Debbie McDaniel, Writer
“...I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."Jeremiah 31:3
It's been a full few weeks, so much going on in our nation, in our world. Stress, tension, and emotions are high. Disagreements and divisions feel stronger than ever. Hurt goes deep. Resentments rise high.
Maybe you’re finding that in your own personal life, this new year has started off tough. Times are hard. Struggles are real. You may find yourself in a season of waiting or still grieving from recent loss.
But in all that we face, whatever we find ourselves walking through in our lives, or in our nation, God constantly sets His reminders in our the sky, all around us, this one pervading and overwhelming message: You are loved.
Sometimes we just have to look up to notice. Stop looking all around at everyone else, stop looking down at screens, or at every new headline, but "up," to Him.
His message of love is always there. It was written in the clouds recently, on a beautiful day in Texas. My friend Niki captured it on her phone. Big white heart cloud in sunny, blue skies.
Maybe we see it in the rainbow after a storm, or in a colorful sunrise painted across the horizon.
Maybe we see it in glistening snow, spring rains, or in the majesty of mountains, and beauty of the ocean.
Maybe we hear it in the early morning songs of chirping birds, or in children’s laughter, or through an encouraging word from a friend at just the right time.
God’s in it all.
Yet often, we may miss it. Sometimes we're just too busy to notice. Or we take it for granted, or don’t give God the credit. But it doesn't change the truth that His love is all around, surrounding, protecting, covering, every hour of every day.
In case you need a reminder today in the swirl of battles and brokenness around us, God's love is perfect. God’s love is real. It has no end and there's nothing we could ever do to make Him stop loving us. He’s drawing you closer to Himself, in the bright, sunny days, and even through the tough times, in the heartache and pain.
He is faithful.
He is good.
He is loving.
He is with us!

(Photo by Niki Hombs Photography)
Intersecting Faith & Life: No matter what you’re facing this week, be confident in God’s unchanging love for you. Choose to look “up” to Him today. Take time to notice His gentle reminders of love and kindness that are constantly surrounding you every moment of every day.

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