Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tues Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

I read a story the other day I had never heard before about Abraham Lincoln. He was surprised one day when a rough looking man drew a revolver and put it right in his face. Trying to remain as calm as he could Lincoln simply asked the man, “What seems to be the matter?” The stranger replied, “Well some years ago I swore an oath that if i ever came across an uglier man than I am i’d shoot him right on the spot.” Lincoln smiled and said, “Well then please shoot me for if i’m an uglier man than you are I don't want to live.”

If you are normal and in a normal frame of mind you don't want to just live life you want to live a life worth living. The reason why people commit suicide is because they have convinced themselves that for whatever the reason their life is no longer worth living. Well I make no apologies when i say to you I want my life to be worth living and when it’s over I want it to be well lived.

One of the things that I hear so often about people and from people is they’re “Trying to find themselves”. Some of you are married to a person whose never found themselves. You have a son or a daughter that’s trying to find themselves or maybe deep down you know you’re trying to find yourself.

We’re learning Jesus’ answer to a question that He asks His own disciples on more than one occasion and is asking you today. “Who do you think that I am”? And rather than let us guess or simply give our own opinion He identifies Himself. John who wrote the fourth gospel records seven “I am” sayings of Jesus never found anywhere else in scripture. In these statements Jesus clearly describes exactly who He is. But amazingly He doesn't use it with titles or names He does it by using metaphors. We’ve learned so far He’s descirbed Himself as The Bread Of Life, The Light Of The World, The Door. But today He’s going to describe Himself in such a way that not only tells us something about who He is but it tells all of us the one thing we need to know about ourselves if we’re truly going to find ourselves. The way Jesus is going to describe Himself to me is one of the most encouraging, strengthening, and comforting statements in the entire bible. Listen to these simple five words.

I am the good shepherd." (John 10:11)

Now there’s one thing that a shepherd must have if he’s going to be a shepherd. What is that? Sheep. Well we know who the shepherd is because he’s already told us. Then who are the sheep? You got it. We are.

You will never understand yourself fully. You will never find yourself completely until you begin to see yourself the way you really are. And that is as a sheep. Sheep are mentioned in the bible over 300 times more than any other animal. And when God looks at us He looks at us through shepherds eyes. He sees us for what we are, as sheep.

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