Friday, February 24, 2017

Scars are Part of the Story

The Scars are All Part of a Beautiful Story

The Scars are All Part of a Beautiful Story
By Debbie McDaniel, Writer
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
If you've ever been wounded, or have felt like you needed to hide the scars away from painful times in life, know that you're not alone. Even Jesus faced great insults, wounds, and pain more than we could ever imagine. And He carried His scars right back into that little room where He met his disciples after the Resurrection. Sometimes I've wondered why He didn't choose to let the scars fade away. He'd gained victory over death. He'd made all things new. Yet He still had scars in his hands, His side. (Read the whole story here in John 20:19-29)
Maybe He knew we'd need to be reminded of this truth throughout our own lives: His scars, and ours too, are all part of His beautiful story at work.
He redeems.
He heals.
He sets free.
He restores.
He gives great purpose even through seasons of brokenness and grief.
And the scars are left there to prove it.
We have victory through Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
Don't ever doubt, He knows your way, He understands your pain. He promises to use your every scar and broken place to share his message of hope to a world that needs healing and grace.
Peace to you today.
You are held by a Mighty God, and He has good still in store...
Intersecting Faith & Life: Remember today: The scars are all part of your beautiful story. Don’t hide them away. For they are the evidence that God heals and redeems. Choose to thank Him for every scar and painful experience that has allowed you to see His greater power and work shining through.

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