Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

The Bible will not only show you what is right and not only warn you of what is not right, but it will also show you what you need to do when you are not right to get right. It is also profitable “for correction”. That word is only used one time in the entire New Testament and it refers to putting something in its proper condition.

If you have ever walked through your house and seen either a plant, or a vase, or a stand that has fallen over and you pick it up and set it back upright you are correcting that object. If you have ever been with someone who has stumbled and fallen you have helped them back up on their feet, you have corrected that person. That is what that word means here.

When you get under the authority of this book, it will not only negatively point out your sin, it will positively tell you how to deal with it. That is what I love about this book. It will point out where you are weak and then it will tell you how to get strong. It will point out where you were sick and then tell you how to get well. It will point out where you are dirty and then tell you how to get clean.

Then, look what this book will do. It will not only tell you what is right and what is not right, and how to get right, but it will tell you how to stay right. It is profitable for “training in righteousness.” The word for “training” literally means “child.” The Bible will train you on how to stay right just like a parent trains a child on how to do right. That is why we put such emphasis here on reading the Bible.

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