Monday, February 20, 2017

Mon Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

If you are one of those people that don’t read their Bible, never crack it open, and never look at it unless maybe when you go to church, let me just remind you that you will never get so smart you don’t need the wisdom of the Bible. You will never get so strong that you don’t need the power of the Bible and you will never be so successful that you don’t need the guidance of the Bible.

Talk about being relevant where we live today! We are seeing right before our very eyes, perhaps the most historic and huge clash of values when it comes to scriptural truth that we have ever seen in the history of this nation. Whether it comes to the definition of marriage or morality there is this same age old battle taking place between what God says is right and what either reason, tradition, or culture says is right.

You just need to understand that when cultural values or social values or political values, or even your own personal values clash with scriptural values you are going to have to make a decision. You are going to have to ask this question, “Who or what is going to call the shots?”

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