Friday, March 23, 2018

Topping Out

Topping Out

By Touching Lives
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23
In construction there’s a rite that is held called “topping out” when the last steel beam or highest point in the construction is reached. It dates back to an ancient Scandinavian practice of placing a tree on top of a completed dwelling to appease the “displaced spirits” during its construction. These days it’s more of a media moment, especially if the building has some significance, like impacting the skyline of a big city. When the uppermost point is reached and the building is “topped out,” you’ll know that’s as tall as it gets.

So many of us in life have a tendency to “top out” early. We can reach our peak at a young age. Not physically or financially, but spiritually. We attend church, Bible studies, get involved in serving, missions, and this goes on for some time. But many reach a point where we “top out,” and simply retire from sustained spiritual growth, which is often reflected in spiritual activity.
The Bible reminds us in Colossians to work with all of our hearts, all of the time. Elsewhere in Scripture we are told to not lose heart. Our daily walk in this world is to become more like Jesus every day as we also serve His purposes and live on His mission. Many people may be surprised to learn that there is actually no concept or thought of retirement in the Bible. Our lives are a complete picture of the work of Christ in us, from the day we are born to the day we surrender to Jesus, to the day we die. We work, we pray, we study, we seek, we share our faith, we support, we help, we encourage, we mourn, we persevere.
As you examine your heart and life today, look up and make sure you’re still building your life in Christ. Look back a year, two, and see if you can recognize God working in your life, and that your heart and mind are getting closer to God as you serve Him daily. Does it feel like you may have topped out? Ask God to renew your soul for another flight as you continue onward for Him.

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