Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sun Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Dr. James Merritt:

“Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Do you finish what you start? Many people don’t. About 44% of college students drop out before finishing school. Every month, over two million Americans quit their jobs. There are legitimate reasons for these and other statistics of the unfinished and abandoned. But a sizable percentage of people choose, every day, in one way or another, to not finish what they started. The unfinished book, the album that’s three songs from completion, the home renovation we intended to start five years ago. When you stop to observe it all, it does seem like much of life is the first half of something that’s missing a last half.

When Jesus came to earth, He came to finish what He started. He had a beginning, middle, and end in mind since before the world began. He had no intent to do a halfway job. He couldn’t. Not because it wouldn’t have left us a way to heaven, but because it would have been disobeying His Father, which wasn’t possible. He lived perfectly, died horribly, rose again triumphantly. His work was complete, start to finish.

Strive to be a person, spiritually, who finishes what you start. God is working in and through His followers to save people and see them become more like Him. Your life in Jesus didn’t end with a prayer and card filled out long ago in church. That was just the beginning…the spark of the first moment of a life with great spiritual value and purpose. Live it to the finish. Engage in a faith that looks to Jesus daily and is constantly looking at how to love more fully, serve more joyfully, give more generously, and share faith more passionately.

You may not finish everything you intended to do in life. But don’t allow your walk with Christ to go unfinished. There is still too much for Him to do in you and through you to quit.

God, help me to persevere in my walk with You. When I get weary in doing good, and when I want to quit, remind me of Your love for me and your desire for me to be more like Jesus every day. Give me the resolve and the strength to continue to live for you with my family, my friends, my coworkers and others. Help me to put aside my desires and adopt your plans and purpose for my life. Help me to let you finish what You started in me. Amen.

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