Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sat Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Dr. James Merritt:

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4

Are you suffering? If you are struggling, oppressed, in pain, anguish, it’s likely you’ve asked, “Why me?” A wise Pastor once taught, “All sin results in suffering, but not all suffering is the result of sin.” So, there may be at least two reasons why you suffer.

Sin results in much suffering. There is always a negative consequence to our sin. If you commit a crime and are convicted, you’ll be locked up. Jail is a direct result or consequence of the wrong you have done. Mankind has been suffering as a result of sin ever since Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Much, maybe most, of our suffering is the result of person after person after person disobeying God.

But there is another suffering, and that is the suffering that God somehow allows even though we, as Christ-followers, have not sinned. Persecution is a difficult concept to swallow. God is not causing our suffering, but He does allow us to continue living in a fallen, sinful world. One book of the Bible, Job, follows the life of a man who God allowed to suffer greatly. In the end, Job’s family and life was restored, even better than before. It’s a lesson that we often don’t know the bigger picture, and we lack the perspective that this life is only temporary.

When you suffer, ask first, am I living in a way that is not pleasing to God. Examine your heart and confess your sin, turn away and live wholeheartedly for God. But also, ask God to use your suffering to teach you, to mold and shape you, to refine you and help you become more like Jesus. Our wrongdoing always results in suffering, but don’t discount that God may be doing something with us as we suffer that will make us more like Him.

God, I confess my sins and failures to you. I know that sometimes I suffer because I disobey You. I know you are acquainted with suffering because of what Your Son, Jesus, endured for me on the cross. Help me to remember when I suffer that you may be using it to help me become more like You. Amen.

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