Monday, March 19, 2018

Mon Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Dr. James Merritt:

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Mexico City, one of the largest cities in the world with 20 million people, is sinking. It is literally sinking. Every year buildings and streets are sinking deeper into the earth. Some neighborhoods are sinking a foot a year. In fact, this sinking has averaged 22 feet in 60 years. Do you know why? Because the people who live there are thirsty. Seventy-seven percent of the water the people rely on has to be extracted from the aquifers, which are below the city. To quench the thirst, billions of gallons of water have to be pumped from underground every year and as they drain it, the city sinks. However, much of the water has organic and chemical contamination, which can bring death-giving disease.

The whole world is one giant Mexico City. The more of the world’s water you drink, the deeper you sink into despair, discouragement, and disillusionment. The deeper you sink, the thirstier you get. The thirstier you get, the more you drink. And the more you drink, the deeper you sink.

Because Jesus said, “I thirst,” anyone can come and drink of the life-giving water He gives and will never thirst again. We are all going to suffer in this life. The question is not “if,” but rather “when.” But our suffering, like Christ’s, will not be in vain. God does not waste our pain, heartache, and tears. He can redeem suffering and turn it into something beautiful. He can use it for His glory and even to help people come to Him.

If you will take your pain, suffering, and heartache to God in faith, and ask Him to glorify Himself through it, He will. People everywhere are dying of spiritual thirst. That is why they are trying to ease their thirst with money, drugs, sex, power, pleasure, cars, houses, and stocks and bonds. God's word says everyone who drinks this “worldly water” will thirst again (John 4:13). But Jesus died thirsty, so we would never have to. Because Jesus said, “I thirst,” anyone can come and drink of the life-giving water He gives, and never thirst again.

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