Friday, March 23, 2018

Fri Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Dr. James Merritt:

“Be careful then how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity…” Ephesians 5:15-16

Military commanders will tell you that the modern battle is won or lost before the first round is fired. The strategy and tactics, the tools of warfare, have been honed over the years to a fine art. But the reality is that logistics—the process of planning and preparing for battle—is where the outcome of the battle is determined. General Norman Schwartzkopf, who commanded allied forces in the 1990s Gulf War, said looking back years later that his plan for victory was simply to get all of the tools, personnel, and supplies necessary to win each battle onto the battlefield as efficiently and effectively as possible.

He would look at the size and capabilities of his enemy, and determine how many soldiers, tanks, missiles, artillery, airplanes, and any other necessary supplies he needed to win decisively. Then he would simply task his reports with getting those items to the battlefield. He fought the battle backwards— the beginning of the battle was the last step. The beginning was the job of getting all of the necessary items to the battlefield.

In our lives, we must keep the end in mind. Our end is simple—God wins, heaven is real. Some will go there, but many will not. Our mission is to make the most of every opportunity. How can we have a role in bringing people we know with us to heaven? God has given us His Word, the Gospel, as a powerful tool that impacts the lives of those who hear it. The battle has already been won. All we have to do is share our faith with others though our words, our deeds, our service, our love, and our lives. God will take care of the rest.

We need not wonder about the future. God executed His battle plan 2,000 years ago on the cross. Today, in the battle for the hearts and souls of men and nations, He engages us as His army. We are fully equipped to fight for those we love and care about. As you live life today, keep the end in mind. Let it guide your life and actions as you make the most of each moment in the light of His ultimate victory, already won.

God, I thank You for your victory on the cross. Thank you for sending Jesus to save me. Each day you put opportunities in my path to share my faith in You with others, to serve them, love them, and encourage them. Help me make the most of each moment, knowing ultimately I have a destiny in heaven and I can have a part in bringing friends, family and others with me. Help me not to forget the end is coming, the end is sure, and the end is hope for those who trust in You. Amen.

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