Sunday, December 17, 2017

Celebrate God’s Provision

Celebrate God’s Provision

By Touching Lives
“When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child.” Luke 2:17
After the shepherds experienced that very first Christmas – the real baby in the manger, the Son of God in the flesh – after they saw Him and worshiped Him, the next thing they did was to bear witness of Him. They began to spread the Word of God. We are told in Luke 2:17 that they retold specifically what had been told to them by the angel about Jesus. And what was that? “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord,”Luke 2:11.
It is important to remember that these shepherds were most likely illiterate, unlearned men. They are probably men of few words. Certainly they were not men who would spread an important message to anyone; and yet they became the first evangelists in history. How do you explain that?
It is simple. When you truly experience Christmas, realizing that God has sent the Savior of the world, the Messiah, the Lord of the universe to us, you cannot sit on the sidelines. You cannot keep that news under wraps. If you see Jesus, accept Jesus, and follow Jesus you cannot keep Him to yourself. You must not keep Him to yourself.
I want to challenge you to write down the names of three people in your life that have never truly experienced the meaning of Christmas. They may be co-workers, neighbors, or even family members. I encourage you to begin praying for these people daily, asking God to grant them the faith to believe in Him. If possible, invite them to attend church with you on Christmas Eve this year. Share with them the true joy and spirit of Christmas – that God has kept His promise and sent the Savior of the world.

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