Friday, October 13, 2017

Vote Responsibly

Vote Responsibly

By Touching Lives
“So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s…” Matthew 22:21
In Matthew 22:21 Jesus said, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” What did Caesar represent in this verse? He represented the government because Israel was under Roman rule at that time. How does this relate to us as Americans today? What is our government? We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If we the people do not participate, we are not giving to Caesar – our government – what God commands us to give.
Our first responsibility is to select good people for government. We recognize in America that no one is perfect, that people can fail and nobody has all the answers. That is why we have “checks and balances.” The President can initiate a program, but Congress has to pay for it. Congress can make laws, but the President can veto them and the Judicial Branch can declare laws unconstitutional. The Supreme Court cannot legislate the President, and the President, along with the Senate, appoints the judges. We have this system because we realize people in power can be untrustworthy.
We want a good government that will pass good laws. Good laws make for good government, which helps to make good citizens. We need good people to legislate the law (Congress), wise people to adjudicate the law (judges), and a conscientious leader to effectuate the laws (President). How do we do that? By voting.
One way we participate in our government is by voting. Voting is not just a right, but also a spiritual responsibility. Christians not only have a responsibility to vote, but a responsibility to vote responsibly. I don’t vote for the Party. I don’t vote for the person. I rarely even vote for the policy. I vote for the principles. I am neither a dyed in the wool Republican or a dyed in the wool Democrat. I am a dyed in the wool Christian.
I’ve heard people say countless times, “My vote doesn’t count.” Your vote always counts because it counts to God. He gives us the privilege of living in a country where we can vote. With every privilege comes a responsibility. We have the responsibility not only to vote, but also to vote for good people who will pass good laws to help make us good citizens.

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