Saturday, October 14, 2017

The God Over Government

The God Over Government

By Touching Lives 
“…And to God what is God’s.” Matthew 22:21
Jesus always told the truth, and He did it without fear or favor of anyone whether it was church officials or government officials. That is exactly what we are to do today. We ought to be on our knees talking to God about our government and then we ought to be on our feet talking to our government about God.
We need to quit worrying about who is on the Right and who is on the Left. Rather, we need to be concerned with who is in the right and who is in the wrong according to God’s Word. All throughout Scripture and history, God’s people have played a prophetic role when it comes to political leaders. There was a prophet named Nathan who spoke to a king named David and told him where he was wrong. A prophet named Elijah spoke to a king named Ahab and told him where he was wrong. There was a prophet named Eleazar who spoke to a king named Jehoshaphat and told him where he was wrong. There was a prophet named Daniel who spoke to a king named Nebuchadnezzar and told him where he was wrong. There was a man of God named Moses who talked to Pharaoh and warned him where he was wrong.
We need to boldly and faithfully let our government know that whatever is morally wrong cannot be politically correct. Where did I get that idea? From the most revolutionary thing Jesus said in His entire conversation regarding politics in Matthew 22:15-21. In verse 21 He said, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” It was the second half of that statement that changed the world. For the first time, people heard there are some things that are not Caesar’s and do not belong to him. There are some things you do not give to government.
We are all created in God’s image. Caesar’s coin bears Caesar’s image and belongs to Caesar; but we bear God’s image and belong to Him. Only God deserves our full allegiance, our affection, and our adoration.
The government is God’s servant to be honored and respected. God is the government’s master to be worshipped and to be obeyed. The truth is God doesn’t need the government, but the government needs God. There are a lot of things the government can do, but the most important thing we need done only God can do. He did that when He sent Jesus Christ to take the government on His shoulders, and to die for ours sins, and to come back from the dead so that we can know the God who is over all government.

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