Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

Author Kent Crockett tells this classic story about his two year old son, Scott, who was sitting on the floor crying. Kent went into the room to investigate and he noticed a plastic baseball bat on the floor and asked his four year old daughter what happened. His little girl, Hannah, said, “He hit his head.” Kent said, “On what?” She pointed to the floor and said, “The bat.” Kent said, “Where was the bat?” She said, “In my hands.”

Admitting sin is not confessing sin. Confessing sin is when you come to God and you agree with God about your sin. You let Him know in no uncertain terms what you have done – it was wrong you broke His law and broke His heart and you want to repent of it and turn away from it. Then, you ask His forgiveness.

The good news is when you do, no matter what that sin is God will forgive you, put you back into fellowship, and get up close and personal.

Look at this verse:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)

When you do your part and properly confess your sin God does His part and immediately forgives your sin. Again, keep something in mind. You don’t need to get forgiveness in order to have a relationship with God. In that sense, all of our sins past, present and future have already been forgiven through Jesus Christ, but you must confess your sin in order to have fellowship with God. How do we know that God will forgive?

Because God is faithful. Isaiah 55:7 says,

“Let the sinful turn from his way, and the one who does not know God turn from his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have loving-pity on him. Let him turn to our God, for He will for sure forgive all his sins.” (Isaiah 55:7)

When you keep your end of the bargain God always keeps His. You confess. He forgives. You confess. He forgives. You confess. He forgives and that sequence never fails. It never misfires.

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