Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sun Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with James Merritt

Think of the story of David and Goliath. Everyone faces giants in their lives. At sometime in your life you face a challenge, you face a problem, you face a threat that is far bigger than you are. It may be a marriage that is failing. It may be a disease or illness. It may be a financial shortfall. Life is full of battles. There are times we wake up in the morning and think everything is going great and there is a huge giant staring us right in the face. Whether or not you face your battles with the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat is going to depend on how you face your own particular giant.

We can do what David did as he faced his giant. First we have to have the courage to step up for the fight. If you don't face that giant and beat that giant, the giant keeps coming back every day. You cannot solve any problem if you won't face it. Then we have to have the confidence to step out for the fight. Remember that God says, "If you will trust me with your problem, I will take that problem and turn it into a possibility for Me to work in your life." If you're facing a problem in life, "the battle is the Lord's". Finally, we must have the commitment to step into the fight. Remember, when we take our problems to God, any giant we're facing is a midget to Him.

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