Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sat Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

God has given us certain tools to help us determine His will especially when we are presented with more than one option, when there is more than one door we can walk through or when there is more than one path we can take.

The first tool is any “Biblical Principle” that may relate to our situation. No the Bible doesn’t specifically direct us to the exact city we ought to live in or the college we ought to attend or the person we ought to marry. The Bible does give principles and guidelines that will help us eliminate certain choices and consider others. Here is the key principle to remember. God’s direction will never contradict God’s instruction.

There are certain things you don’t have to pray about. You don’t have to pray about whether or not you ought to be unfaithful to your wife. You don’t have to pray about whether or not you ought to rob God of His tithe’s and offerings. You don’t have to pray about whether or not you ought to try and share the Gospel with unbelievers. These are things you already know to do. The first question to ask when you are trying to make a decision is, “Does God’s Word prohibit or permit what I am thinking about doing?” So many times in my life when I have been trying to make a key decision I ask myself, “Is there a principle or a story, or a command in the Bible that sheds light on this situation?” The easiest example I can ever give anyone is this, “It is never the will of God for a believer to marry an unbeliever.” The operative word there is “never.” The unknown will of God will never contradict the known will of God.

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