Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pray Diligently

Pray Diligently

By Touching Lives 
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2
In this age of political unrest, I think there is one thing we would all agree on…we would just like to see some peace and quiet in our country. Don’t you find yourself asking the question sometimes, “Can’t we all just get along?” Do you think the United States would be better off, and things would be better in general, if everybody just lived peaceful and quiet lives?
The Apostle Paul said the way that we can lead peaceful, quiet lives in godliness and holiness is by praying for our leaders. Notice in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 that he puts prayer first. Before you do anything else for your leaders, pray for them. Most of the time, what we do first is criticize our leaders. The time has come to ask ourselves, “How has that worked out for us to criticize and blame our leaders?” Are things getting better? Are the important changes being made? Maybe part of the problem is that we don’t pray for our leaders like we should.
If what this passage says is true, if we pray for our leaders as much as we criticize them, we might have better leaders and a better government. There are times we should criticize and complain, but I believe that one hour of prayer might do a lot more good than two hours of criticism.
You might be thinking, “I didn’t vote for some of these leaders and I don’t like them. I don’t even support these leaders.” That is all right. You don’t have to vote for them, like them, or support them in order to pray for them. In fact, let me issue this challenge: The more you dislike or disagree with a leader may mean the more you should pray for that leader. Your prayers might change things, or they might not. But your prayers will definitely change you…your attitude and how you relate to others.

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