Sunday, October 1, 2017

Pokémon RPG Coming in 2018

Pokémon RPG Coming To Nintendo Switch In 2018: Here's What We Know

[Credits: Nintendo]
[Credits: Nintendo] 

By Dustin Murphy, writer at CREATORS.CO

Back in June President and CEO of The Pokémon Company Tsunekazu Ishihara took to YouTube where he would announce a new project under the name Pokémon RPG, which would be released in 2018 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. During an interview with Bloomberg, Ishihara provided insight into their upcoming project.

Here are the few details we currently know about the game.

The Power of the Switch Opens Up A New Pokemon World

[Credits: Nintendo]
[Credits: Nintendo]

In his interview, Ishihara gave us a glimpse at what the Switch can do for Pokémon and what fans should expect. Since the #Switch is a handheld by day and a console by night, he and the team see it as a way to bring our little virtual pals to life in a way never-before-seen, without the power of the Nintendo 3DS limiting what's possible both technically and artistically. The upgrade will even allow for HD graphics, something entirely new for the franchise.

"With the Switch, we see it as a chance to create Pokémon that goes deeper and with a higher level of expression. As a result, that makes it an extremely important platform.

Right now we’re using 7 to 8 inch screens, but on a high-definition TV you can express a whole different world with graphics and sound."

Pokémon Switch Multiplayer Features

During the interview, Ishihara even pointed out new challenges when developing for a portable and home console.

“Until now, games were made as one for one person, but now you can go home and play with everyone -- so how do we tackle these themes, and how do we make sure it’s not complicated?

First off, it seems that the inevitably of a multiplayer experience may be fully plausible on the same screen. The question at large is one that is quite understandable: How do you do such a thing without breaking an already established franchise? That is indeed, a feature, we will have to wait and see as we get closer to the game's official reveal.

[Credits: Nintendo]
[Credits: Nintendo]

Nintendo Switch Pokémon Accessories

Since the Nintendo Switch isn't all that different from the Nintendo 3DS, we can assume that they might possibly release accessories for the handheld-meets-console hybrid, and we should assume that amiibo's will be involved.

“I can’t say that we’ll release accessories, but I’d like to think of that possibility.

Since the console also doesn't have constant connectivity like the Nintendo 3DS, we can also assume that a persistent online connection won't be required. Not having a persistent online requirement will allow fans to enjoy the new Pokémon RPG just as they did previous games.

"Unlike smartphones, the Switch is not a game device that assumes that there’s constant network connectivity. So from our perspective, it’s really not that different from DS or 3DS in terms of connectivity.”

If you're expecting features like you've seen in #PokémonGo, don't at this time, but also don't rule them out. It doesn't seem that the Nintendo Switch Pokémon RPG will be all that different from previous titles. Let's just hope that what we do get is something familiar yet unexpected. Pokémon RPG is slated for 2018 or later for the Nintendo Switch according to Ishihara.

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