Monday, October 2, 2017

Mon Inspiration

Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt

“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27

It is almost impossible to watch the news nowadays without hearing of some catastrophe or natural disaster. Hurricanes, earthquakes, murders, war, famine, disease, kidnapping, tsunamis…the list goes on and on. It’s enough to make you want to turn off the TV and never watch the news again.

However, even without broadcast news, there is no escape from the dark reality of suffering. Since that day thousands of years ago when Adam and Eve took the first bite of forbidden fruit and chose to rebel against God’s authority, creation has been suffering the consequences of sin. Thousands of years later, Jesus died on the cross, defeating sin’s power. But sin’s presence still exists. And it will be present, along with its consequences, until Christ returns.

This sounds like a bleak picture, doesn’t it? But we can’t stop here. Jeremiah 32:27 offers hope. It offers victory. Nothing is too hard for our God! He is the God of all mankind – the Lord over all creation. The winds and waves obey His voice. Yes, He allows disaster. He is in control of all things – even the injustice that He hates. But He always stands ready to save. He longs to rescue, to deliver, to heal. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

So, when the news seems hopeless. When all you want to do is crawl back in bed and throw the covers over your head, remember, nothing is too hard for your God. Look to Him for comfort. Run to Him for refuge. Trust in Him for everything you need. Because not only is He able, He is graciously willing. And that, my friend, is good news!

Holy Father, I praise You because nothing is too hard for You. You are a mighty Savior, and a humble servant. In You I find everything I need. Even though Your ways do not always make sense to me, I choose this day to trust You. Thank You for saving me. Thank You for loving me.

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