Monday, May 29, 2017

Modern Parenting

Modern Parenting

By Touching Lives 
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds…Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 11:18a, 19
 Parenting is a much harder job today than it was 50 years ago; but never has it been more important. Author Ronald Dun wrote the following: “The pain of childbirth is twofold; there is the pain of bringing the child into the world, and there is the pain of bringing that child up in the world; and the latter is greater. The physical pain of bearing a child is tremendous, but usually lasts only a few hours, but the pain of rearing that same child lasts a lifetime and never lessens.”
Parenting is more difficult than ever. The culture has changed. The view of the family has changed. Technology has not only made the world so much different, but it has also in some ways made it more difficult to communicate with the next generation. Both parents and children now live in a cyber world that is computerized and digitalized. Many parents of tweens and teens text more than actually talking with their children.
Even in this modern, cyber, computerized space age in which we live, the raising of children is still the most important job in the world. The future of our world is no better than the next generation. Our job is more than just leaving this world a better place for our children than it was when they were born; our greater job is preparing our children to leave the world in a better place than it was when their children were born.
There is no roadmap to raising great kids. Parents can read countless books and try endless techniques…but the truth is that kids will make their own life choices. The best thing we as Christian parents can do for our children is to point them to Christ. In Deuteronomy 11:19, God commands His people to center their lives on the Word of God. He encourages them to make God central in all things, rather than having one set time each week for God talk. What great parenting advice!
A couple of hours a week of focus on God and His Word is not enough to combat all that the world will throw at our children. They need to see their parents living out an authentic, joy-filled, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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