Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tues Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Touching Lives with Dr. James Merritt:

“Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’” Luke 23:42

Transformation: A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. A mere cursory read of the events of Jesus’ crucifixion might not show you the unbelievable transformation that took place in the heart of one of the criminals being crucified beside the Savior. It was a transformation that turned condemnation into adoration. Matthew 27:44 tells us that the rebels crucified with Jesus “heaped insults on Him.” Then later on one of those same men said to Jesus, “Remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” Did you catch that? This guilty man went from a blasphemer to a believer.

In my opinion, you are looking at the most amazing example of transformation and salvation found in the entire Bible. Why? Because he calls Jesus a King – and at that moment, no man had ever looked less like a king than Jesus did. Caked in dirt and blood, the smell of urine and excrement coming from His body, beaten beyond recognition, the sight and smell of Jesus would have literally been nauseating. This criminal was not looking at the risen Jesus with a crown on His head; he was looking at the crucified Jesus with a cross on His back. He likely never saw Jesus walk on the water, feed the multitudes, or turn water into wine. He asked Jesus to save Him when it looks like Jesus is the one who needs to be saved.

What changed his mind? It wasn’t the virgin birth or Old Testament prophecy. It wasn’t the miracles Jesus performed or the lessons He taught. Jesus was silent through most of His trial and crucifixion…but He did lovingly speak these words from the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” For the guilty, dying man who had just been hurling insults at Jesus, those words changed everything. They pierced his heart and echoed in his ears. Only God could forgive others, and only the Son of God could ask God to forgive others for what they were doing to Him.

All of the sudden, grace came alive to this man. He saw grace in the actions of Jesus. He heard grace in the words of Jesus. He felt grace in the love of Jesus. He realized he was dying in his sin, while Jesus was dying for his sin. He believed – and that belief, coupled with the grace of God, changed everything.

God, thank You for Your grace. I know I could never do anything to earn it, yet You have freely offered it in Your Son. Help me not only to accept Your grace, but also to share it with others who have not yet believed. In Jesus name, amen.

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