Monday, April 16, 2018

Mon Devotional

Daily Devotional 

from Touching Lives with Dr. James Merritt:

“Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for My glory, whom I formed and made.” Isaiah 43:7

What on earth are you here for? Isn’t that really life’s great question? All of our dreams, plans, goals, desires, pursuits—everything we long for or acquire, even our relationships—all that we are is in pursuit of the answer to the one question that really matters. What are we all about?

God created us. The Bible tells us in Genesis the account of creation. We were formed in His image and placed in His world and given charge over His created things. Man tended the garden alone and God made a helpmate for him. And mankind grew exponentially until now there are seven billion of us, and nearly all still in search of the answer to end all answers. Why?

The Bible tells us the answer in Isaiah 43. We were created for God’s glory. It pleased Him to create us, and we are a reflection of Him. Because we were created for God’s glory, we are also to live for God’s glory. We are here to know Him and to please Him and to praise Him. The God Who made us is also the God that gives our lives meaning.

The greatest thing we can do in life is to know God…to surrender to God and to understand that sin displeases God, but that He gives us a way through Christ to restore our relationship with Him and to spend eternity in heaven with Him. Did you ever think that heaven is only heaven because God is there? Our eternity is to be spent in His presence. But it will not be boring! How could it be when God is eternally vast and glorious and loving and kind and knowable? A billion years on we will not fully know God, and we will continually discover and understand more about Him but never know Him in every way that we can know Him.

We are created for a purpose: To know God and to make God known. We exist to please God through a relationship with Him as we reflect Him in our hearts, minds and actions by living for Him daily.

God, thank You for making me. Thank You for providing a way through Jesus for me to know You. I pray that as I spend my time with You each day, You will help me to know You more fully all the time. I also pray You will show me how I can fulfill Your plans for me on earth as I live for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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