Sunday, April 8, 2018

2018 Most/Least Stressed

5 States That Need to Loosen Up

WalletHub uses 38 stress indicators to rank most, least stressed states

By Arden Dier,  Newser Staff

Life is a little less stressful in the Midwest, according to WalletHub.   (Getty/PeopleImages)

Stress affects everyone. Although we cannot eliminate stress entirely from our lives, we can minimize it by choosing to live in the least toxic environments. American stress levels have been rising for many demographics since their low point in 2016. Common stressors include the future of America and money, along with uncertainty about health care. But not all demographics are affected in the same way. For example, women’s stress levels rose in the past year while men’s actually dropped.

But certain states have contributed more than others to elevating — or decreasing — stress levels in the U.S. WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 38 key indicators of stress to determine the places to avoid and achieve a more relaxing life. Our data set ranges from average hours worked per week to personal bankruptcy rate to share of adults getting adequate sleep.

Most stressed:

1. Louisiana
2. New Mexico
3. West Virginia
4. Mississippi
5. Nevada

Least stressed:

1. Minnesota
2. North Dakota
3. Utah
4. Iowa
5. South Dakota

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